Friday, July 9, 2010

Animal minds

1. Summary:
Virginia Morell,tells the readers about the experiment which shows people that parrot can talk. In 1977 Irene Pepperberg started an experiment on a parrot who was named Alex. Pepperberg and her colleagues were focus on teaching Alex how to speak. They taught him words, meanings, pronunciations so far and so on. After a long time training, the result showed that Alex can talk. He can tell the shape, the color, the number. Though some sounds are hard for him to pronounce, he still managed to say something which was extremely amazing. Pepperberg's experiment on Alex tells people that animals are more smart than we expected.

2. I am not sure that whether animals have their own thoughts or not. As I have a pet
I often "communicate" with him and I think he can understand me. I don't know why, but if I feel blue he will accompany with me, just sit next to me and look at me. Usually at this time I will talk to him. I will complain or tell him why I am not happy. Then I feel better. In this case, I think that animals have feeling and thoughts.

This link is interesting you guys should check it out. It is like a blog and different people post different stories about animals. Some of them also provide the video. These stories have different focus but they all tell us that animals are smart. Do you believe that cats and dogs can be friend. They can run a friendship and take care of each other. Another story is about a cat who was raised by a cow. It is amazing. Ants, little tiny insect, they are smart too. They can predict the change of weather. They seems to have intelligent on architecture. These are interesting. Read it for fun!


  1. yep i totally agree with the way u stay with pet, my luffy are so smart that she could avoid the same mistake as the first time, so i think she has certain kinds of thoughts. BTW i like ur cute dog!!

  2. Hi! Candy
    I agree that he(your pet)can understand you though a little and catch your feeling though not detaily. However, he maybe doesn't know my emotion although I explain him about that detaily. It needs lots of face-to-face experience. I think that it's the point.

    Thank you for your opinion.

  3. nice summary Candy, well done.

    ì agree that article is really interesting :)

    Wish u score full mark.
